Dried wedding bouquet flowers frame picture floral art preserved

I quite often get asked at wedding fairs how a bride can press their dried wedding flower bouquet… well the simple answer is, you can’t… Dried flowers tend be brittle and quite fragile, pressing them would crumble them…

However… these amazing display cases are just perfect… size 11-14″, just slightly small than an A3 picture frame…

This particular bride came to me with her wedding bouquet that she’d dried herself over a year ago, which was now just gathering dust in a vase…

I lovingly, and gently took the the bouquet apart… it was a really nice selection of flowers to work with, full of wild flowers and feathers…

The inside of the show cases have a spongy fabric layer, which I methodically sew and weave single stems of dried flowers, creating an intricate linear design… everything is held in place nice and secure, with a few flower heads glued in here and there…

Beautiful, and so much more elegant than letting them gather dust in a vase…

Dried wedding bouquet flowers frame picture floral art preserved
Dried wedding bouquet flowers frame picture floral art preserved
Dried wedding bouquet flowers frame picture floral art preserved
Dried wedding bouquet flowers frame picture floral art preserved