Wedding bouquet bride flowers pressed preserved preservation floral art

Its really common these days to incorporate silk flowers and fresh into wedding bouquets…

So if you’re worried about whether you can include your silk flowers into your pressed flower floral art… You can…

This bride had a heavy foliage bouquet, with just a few pops of colour and wild flowers running through… She wanted the designs to be quite minimalist with a light and airy feel…

The bright red poppies where a super important part of her flower choice, with huge sentimental value… They’re a real focal point in these floral designs…

You’re not able to press silk flowers, so the trick is to remove all the excess material, using just the stem sliced length ways in half… remove each petal and the stamen of the silk flower so you’re left with just thin parts  of flower. Then reconstruct everything, gluing everything back in place… voila!

Wedding bouquet bride flowers pressed preserved preservation floral art
Wedding bouquet bride flowers pressed preserved preservation floral art
Wedding bouquet bride flowers pressed preserved preservation floral art
Wedding bouquet bride flowers pressed preserved preservation floral art